Asian Youth Organization United Tackling Homelessness

A new Non-Profit Aiding the Homeless Around the Bay Area

Who We Are

photo of ayouth members handing out clothes

See Photo Gallery 🔗

Photos from our latest clothing outreach initiative

Our Board

Our board is made up of highschool students from around the Bay Area

Neilson Li

Neilson Li

Executive Director

Talio Ubalde

Talio Ubalde

Communications Director

Luke Wilson

Luke Wilson

Chief Financial Officer

Brian Chen

Brian Chen

Operations Director

Ajith Araiza-Singh

Ajith Araiza-Singh

Lead Software Engineer

Juliana Li

Juliana Li

Digital Marketing Manager

Byron Chen

Byron Chen

Lead Visual Artist

Daniel Seo

Daniel Seo

Inventory Manager

Volunteer for AYOUTH

AYOUTH runs one ditribution day and several fundraisers each month. Please fill out this form 🔗

Our Chapters

8 Chapters, and counting!

Get in Contact

Let us know if you can provide any clothes to our cause, or have any general questions